Implants in Black and White Courses
Help Support Mexico Dental Missions
All funds generated from course enrollments are dedicated to supporting a dental mission in Mexico. This mission involves junior students from both ATSU and LSU School of Dentistry, who are about to enter their senior year. The students travel to a rural region and spend one week providing free dental services to those in dire need. By participating in this course, you contribute towards this noble cause.
Live Surgeries by Drs. Smith & Domingue
Topics Discussed:
Bone grafting and immediate implant placements
Soft Tissue augmentation
Single tooth to full arch surgery
Scanning for custom abutments
CBCT imaging
Fusion Bone Binder
PRF (Plasma Rich Fibrin) and its role in wound healing
Learning Objectives:
Understand treatment planning aspects in your practice
Adapt from single tooth to full arch reconstruction cases
Simplify armamentarium when utilizing implants
"Know their limitations" and understand the limitations of bone, implants, surgery, and grafting
Simplify treatment planning, case presentation, and implement both phases of treatment (surgical and prosthetic)
Cost Considerations
Managing Complications